There’s Nothing Simple Out There (One Christian’s Declarations Concerning Their Faith and the Subject of Evidence. Part I)



I would like to thank fellow WP blogger Professor Taboo for jolting me out of my ‘I really Must Get Around To Writing That Faith-Based Post Before Lent Ends’ statis state.

In advance, if you are going to read this post you are strongly advised to study his recent posts Paul, Acts, Forgeries & Marcion* Parts I & II

Paul, Acts, Forgeries & Marcion – Part I

Paul, Acts, Forgeries & Marcion – Part II

When dealing with someone else’s position and their case is argued at length, it is my practice to Copy & Paste onto a Word Doc for reference and scale. Please note PT’s posts are 4,400+  & 3,800+ words long respectively. It is likely mine will go into some length too. Neither of us subscribe to sound-bites, emojis, GIFs or any other modern shorthand with such a weighty subject.

If you want to get involved set aside some time.


This is not actually a rebuff to the above posts. It’s not even a word by word dispute over the evidence. Some might be disappointed I will not be addressing directly the topics raised. Expressed are words and thoughts and beliefs of mine which have been looking for an inspiration to come out in full flood. And here we are. Just read on

It is only fair to point out, the views you will encounter will be considered by some as heretical, blasphemous or as per Catholic Teaching ‘Relativism’ (which kinda puts me at odd with the current Pope. Never mind God will put me right at some stage). On the other side of the coin as some exasperated atheists said to me ‘You don’t know what you believe!’ or ‘You are just dodging the issue!’ or….To be honest I forgot the rest. They just didn’t like me being open minded Cosmically speaking.


It can be broadly stated that the first post deals with The Physical Side, for it encompasses Cosmology, History and Quantum Physics. These are all areas which contain elements of physical evidence yet are also with uncertainties and speculations. The second post will involve my views and criticisms of Theological and those Social elements which cross over.

The whole comprises An Overview, Four Perspectives and a Summary. These will break down as follows:

One Theistic Cosmological Overview (Read here)

Historical Perspectives (Read here)

Scientific Perspectives (Read here)

Theological Perspective (Next Post)

Social Perspective (Next Post)

The String Theory Summary. (Plagiarising from Quantum Physics. Tying the four perspectives all together) (Next Post)

One Theistic Cosmological Overview:

My belief is that if you are going embrace a theistic belief you will be in the area of accepting a Supreme Being and Creator. Since you are therefore saying this Supreme Being was responsible for All That Is, Was and Ever Shall Be, then you need to consider dealing with a very, very large concept and be ready to view from more than one direction and discipline. You should also have an outlook which will endeavour to encompass a great deal and be very flexible.

To begin with let us look at one simple request.

Whether you are theistic or atheistic can you take someone of the opposite view to a location in this 14 billion year old, (though there is work out there which argues 26+ years old) 90+ billion light year in observable diameter Universe and say

‘Look this is where My God is. There we are. Case proven’


‘This where your God should be but isn’t’. Case proven,’

Well? Can we, either side of the argument? No of course we can’t. We have garnered a rough idea of the Universe based on a variety of investigations, but neither has incontrovertible proof to answer my request. And that is where Faith / Belief comes in. To walk the indefinable area of Human thought in which a concept is held to in the absence of solid, definite physical evidence.

Some might promptly argue that I will be dodging issues, shrugging and saying ‘I don’t know’ and just repeating ‘stuff’.

Not so.

When addressing a such a vast subject of the belief in a Supreme Deity, the necessity of brining a myriad of disciplines to the discussion is vital, lest we get out of focus. There is the likelihood on this side of Life that parts of this subject cannot as yet and may not ever be proven. Here is where Faith or Belief come in. And on all sides of the argument.

We cannot physically prove, but we can believe.

Historical Perspectives

History is a powerful teacher, also a remorseless one, laying bear uncomfortable facts which do not suit those who prefer matters neat and tidy. The latter aspect is an important facet to keep in mind because at some stage all of us will always try and bend history to suit our ideas. The more objectively minded will to seek out details to argue or question a point of view and deal with the matter analytically. Others will try and deal in bare facts to leave the rest up to the reader, but that is a near impossibility; to repeat we all tend to bring our own thoughts and agendas to the debate.

At its basic Human History works like this. A does something. B reacts to what A did. C gets involved either because of A or B. Then D turns up probably because of what A, B and C are doing. After that it is likely E. F, G, H and so forth get involved. Meanwhile you get alliances such as Ab’s or Ba’s etc, etc. With all this laid out before an observer it is only natural to initially see things through their own eyes.

Yet History is a collection of evidence, and one glorious aspect is that new or forgotten evidence is being constantly uncovered for examination. Even the absence of evidence carries a value all of its own. However, whatever be it evidence or none, that will be open to interpretation. One thing however is certain do not take a dramatisation as fact and tread wary of legends or a folklore. Nor read one historian’s account and say ‘That is all I need to know’. Remember those As, Bs, Cs, Ds and so forth? Who is telling you what A did? And Why? Keep your antenna and radar tuned.

The groundwork is laid out. I will now look at the question of the Christianity and give you my…I repeat MY opinion, and in consequence translation.

Now the original starting point for Christian Belief is contained within the Old Testament, which in turn originates from a Hebrew source and following the New Testament which contain four accounts of Jesus Christ’s Life and Ministry until his mortal death then resurrection. The New Testament also contains the subsequent accounts of the followers of Jesus’ and their writings, ending with the mystical Book of Revelation.

Before proceeding further, again it is necessary, vital in fact to bear in mind the following

The OT is a collection of works. Some are the written versions of oral accounts. Some are commentaries on a particular time with a religious take. Others are the accounts of the experiences, life and times of a prophet. Others are essentially instructions for the time and the circumstances for an orderly society of the time. It should also be borne in mind that within these were poetical approaches in an endeavour to encompass at attempt to understand a cosmic or philosophical issue; while some will be takes on histories. And the whole covers a span of centuries. The OT also differs from, arguably its forebear the Hebrew Bible.

When approaching The NT, it is essential to bear in mind the four gospels are differing approaches. There are three Synoptic Gospels, Mark, Matthew and Luke which are similar in structure and narrative but differ because of their intended audiences. Mark being the earliest, a bare account for others, Matthew intended for a Jewish readership and Luke for a more cosmopolitan readership. John stands slightly more apart as it has esoteric theme and maybe be later. There then follows those accounts of the activities of followers of the new faith and their own letters and that ‘The Book of Revelation’. (not ‘Revelations’)- whosever might believe that is a literal prophecy might well consider the following:

For the purposes of the Historical it should be borne in mind that these works have been through several translations of language before they reach whatever, for the sake of brevity English version you are looking at. Therefore, remember that each translation will have its own assumptions and evaluations as to what ‘that’ word or phrase meant. To go around with a highlighter and sticking bits of paper in selected pages for one purpose or another might be useful for a rebuttal against a view point you disagree with. To use it as a basis for persecution is to me heresy if not downright blasphemy.  The literal use of an English version is a few levels below actually studying the inherent messages.

At this stage for the purposes of Faith and Belief the citing of this piece of English or that piece of English as a basis for proving that one side or the other is right or wrong, I would assert ‘Does Not Really Matter’ They are useful in debates on who wrote What, Why, Where or When and for What Reason, and also if ‘They’ wrote it or someone else. Or was it a combined job?

In this, these debates are on the same level as to whether some personality out of History was as Good, Bad, Adept, Inept as they are traditionally painted. Whether they were actually ‘There’, ‘Here’ at such a time. And so forth.

In cannot be argued that such discussions do not add to the layers of circumstances and history is already filled with commentaries one way or another.

When however it comes to the basics of The Christian Faith, the question to ask is. Do they add or detract to the evidence of a Jesus Christ and his activities? This is the basic line for any Christian. Therefore, onto the Historical Evidence of Jesus, most likely born in Nazareth, Palestine at the early years of 1st Century AD/CE.

To summarise there is evidence of a man out of Galilee who was crucified in what I would call a political expediency between the Roman Authorities, The Court of the Client King and the religious council the Sanhedrin, the latter having the power to bring out a mob at the figurative click of the fingers. What no side wanted was another figurehead for another movement, particularly one who was not preaching armed resistance; the Romans knew how to deal with a call to arms.

In their independent works both Jewish historian Josephus and Roman historian Tacitus, make relative passing reference to Jesus. At this stage of history of the area from Europe to the Middel East the majority of surviving documentation comes from within the Roman Empire’s boundaries and thus would cover a large number of issues, events and personalities. What would happen in one small region of the edges would attract minimal attention at the time. Which is why what we can call historical evidence is so sparse.

It is enough though.

Enough for a Faith you say?

Well, let me place before you the reasoning thus far.

In One Theistic Overview I argued as no one can physically prove there is no God I am at Liberty chose to belief in God. In the Historical Perspectives I can place the Old and New Testaments are documentations which indicate there are bases for the origins of my faith and part of the foundation of that faith. I also cite there is evidence for an Historical Jesus.

Thus upon these the case for my belief is founded.

But you ask. This seems to be slender stuff. You seem to talk of  absences of solid evidence and also uncertainties as firm foundations. Are these not paradoxical, and in consequence subject to doubt? There is actually another perspective to bring back into the focus. The Scientific.

Let us continue to share the journey.

Scientific Perspectives

Warning: Not simple. This is long in itself. Convoluted. It’s The Nature of The Concept.

Second Warning. Be prepared for at least one ‘Where is he going with this interlude?’

The Cosmological Overview was an initial introduction to scope and size of the issues involved when discussing Faith and Beliefs. Rather than go straight to Science in more details it seemed neater to take on the Historical approach to establish the next part of the evidence foundation. This done, let us return to address the Scientific side of the subject.

As we know Science is a word which covers a vast number of subjects, all playing their part in the knowledge which we utilise for better or for worse in Humanity’s turbulent voyage. Rather than try and pick through each branch and in turn the associated subjects, a task which would take up at least one year’s worth of at least weekly posts, and that would be skimming the surface I intend to look at two scales.

The smallest, being the sub-atomic and the largest which takes us back to the Cosmological.

Here we encounter the counter-intuitive to our daily experiences, the parallels to the challenges Western folk of the last century have faced regarding the acceptance of a Supreme Deity. The world of Physics and the World of Theistic Belief both contain facets which do not fit into our Daily World. Challenges and reactions criss-cross. I assert there are parallels, there are commonalties.

Let me just throw a few everyday questions out there. Physics first. Religion second.

How can Light be both a particle and a wave of energy? Two aspects at once? What really is this Time-Space thing; we are attuned to Length – Width – Depth, and doesn’t Time just flow in one direction anyway? Things get ‘Old’ don’t they? And what’s this about 11 or 20 dimensions- how does that figure?

Where is this ‘God’? Why doesn’t ‘This God’ stop wars? Why are bad things happening? And to come back to The Science side- how can One Being have complete domination over one galaxy of an average of 100 million stars; that’s before we started on the billions of galaxies concept?

Those are questions which can crop up in the minds of everyday people who chance upon these subjects. There are though no easy answers. It is part of our fate to forever come up against questions whose answers do not seem to be on any horizon.

Just to illustrate what ‘we’ are up against.

(Before I start there is a body of opinion which is dismissive of Wikipedia as an information source. Whatever your views on that topic, Wikipedia it is a good source of illustrating the depth, length and width of a topic.)


I typed in the phrase ‘Unsolved Problems’. The category Natural Sciences was sub divided into seven separate categories: The category  ‘Mathematics’ into four. For our collective sakes I will go no further. You should be able to gauge the scope the issue from those details alone, and that’s before we consider the subject of divergent views on how something was ‘solved’


A search under Theism suggests a vastness of topics. I narrowed it down to Christian – Systemic Theology and also Constructive Theology (which is a relatively new approach.) And the result was Ten different categories. And as with Physics I did look but will go no further. Feel free to do so, but make time.

Yes, since ‘Scientific Perspectives’ was typed out nearly Five Hundred words in and he’s still not got the nub of the matter.

Of course not. Neither subject is simple. Neither subject can be compacted into one small fold-open pamphlet. Normally anything serious on either requires ‘Papers’ as in a ‘Paper On…’ and more likely entire books and you are still skimming the true surface.

Complexity upon Complexity

Volumes, upon volumes of works on both topics. Writers argue back and forth. There are whole trends of developments, re-appraisals, new lines of thought. Admittedly I am not aware of there being a theological version of the Large Hadron Collider, so Physics does have an ‘physical’ edge there. But ‘physical’ edge in Religion? We will return to this issue after we have considered some more issues still open for debate and see how they interact in both arenas.

Creation (as in Of the Universe)

Currently The Big Bang holds sway, whether it was 14 billion years ago, or even more is up for debate. For the majority of folk, the concept of there being No Time No Space just a very compact ‘item’ and nothing else is counter-intuitive. We cannot comprehend the situation. Try and you end most likely up with a ‘Why’ or a ‘Well How…’. And yet we, in the main, accept this sort of.

Since we ‘sort of’ accept this, for some of us the notion that a Being also beyond our imagination effectively said ‘Let There Be Light’ therefore seems a reasonable opinion to hold. After all we all already into the realms of the unimaginable No Time, No Space realm, so what is wrong with believing in ‘Someone’ started it?

Yes it is a type of Creationism. In purely physical / physics terms so is the Big Bang. Creationism as ‘It All Started’

What you might call Creationism in a biblical sense itself is divided into various schools, from the basic Seven, literal Days, along the paths of ‘Seven’ being allegorical, into an area of ‘episodes’ of Creation. The whole displaying sophistication of thought keeping a pace with discoveries. In fact, as with the science of Cosmology, Creationism can be evolving. Bear in mind not so long ago it was accepted in scientific circles that there was just one galaxy, revolving to stop spinning apart into the vastness of space. Now we know more.

Therefore, since we do not know, absolutely, positively, completely everything there is to know, to hold to the belief that ‘God’ created the Universe is a valid opinion. The Hows, The Whys and The What-Exactly is the Universe; well, we are all still working on that, and most likely will be forever doing so.

In The Quantum World and its Cousin in Mystery – Theism.

Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics are not new discoveries, albeit it that they made their larger appearance in the Modern Physics of the 20th Century. Their applications in the modern world move allegorically hand in hand with the advance in computers, one complimenting the other, firstly bringing transistors and by now advances into devices relying on computers until we stand on the edge of Quantum AI and a wealth of possibilities.

The studies of the subject and the explorations are quite a different level. It is here we confront the realm of the subatomic particles and their properties, or their place in the construct of matter. As the search progresses questions arise which are illustrated in complex mathematical equations and references to a number of aspects which in turn have their own mathematics, (illustrated dramatically in films by rapid use of chalk and a very big board). String Theory, M-Theory, Extra Dimensions are but a few concepts which are commonly discussed but leave the ordinary person struggling to grasp their concepts. You can opt for standing back in awe and saying ‘Wow’ though.

Theism has been around for a lot longer and appears to be dogged by a pattern which Humanity follows without learning. In myriad forms it attempted to bring a social code to what would have been an otherwise chaotic situation  and has endeavoured to bring a means of comprehension to the mysteries which confound us. And yet flawed creatures that we are, we argue to the point of persecution and war over meanings and supremacy of one belief system over another. Thus, Theism like the rest of Human efforts is tarnished. Which when you consider the misuse computer systems have been put too indicates the problem lies with Humanity. But more about that when in the next post we consider Theological and Social issues. At this stage I am going to make an attempt to consider The Parallel with Quantum.

This being that the further we go into the study of Quantum the more challenges arise, which is very similar when delving into a belief system. In this case Christianity. It is simple enough to believe in a God, a Son of God, and if your beliefs go in that direction A Holy Spirit. The problems arise when you go deeper into those difficult ethical questions such as

How Active is God in our Lives, and thus How?

Why do bad things keep on happening to the innocent and the vulnerable?

If God is suffering with Us, just how does that work. What does that mean?

Where did God come from?

Just what is God’s plan or purpose?

I could go on and on…and on.

Theologians have been battling with these and the objections to their suggestions for centuries (and some of them taking time out to discuss the mysteries of the cosmos. The concept of other worlds has been up for debate for millennia, 1,500 years in Christianity ).

Therefore I contend these two Disciplines which are replete with The Counter-Intuitive mirror each other, often coming along with a ‘There must be a…because this indicates there is….’.

And thus there is no shame in saying ‘I don’t know’ though just leaving it like that and shrugging does not necessarily apply to the entire following of a belief system. WE keep on keeping on. Our religion is not moribund, which stopped somewhere a thousand years ago. Not so.


(Possibly the Theistic Version of the Large Hadron Collider?)

In some respects, most of the previous observations and postulations could be construed as a build-up to this. A balanced reason why ‘Miracles’ as recorded in The New Testament can be viewed by ‘The Believer’ as credible acts.

By this point you will be aware that as far as I perceive, within the enormity and complexity of Existence from the smallest particle (currently The Quark?) to the massive walls which are groups of groups of galaxies (eg Great Sloan Wall) to say something ‘Cannot Happen’ is not a Definite. We, Here, Now are nowhere, anywhere close to beginning to know Everything.

In this frame of mindset I consider the following as examples:

The Immaculate Conception (Virgin Birth)- Invoking the biological process of Parthenogenesis is taking a big risk. There would be a lot of complaints and objections. Fair enough, I am just saying Sexual Reproduction is not the only means about. Really I should play it safe, cite general mythical traditions and those of the Abrahamic works. Then consider the various Christian writings on the subject and hint at the allegorical.

Not going to do that. I chose to take the literal option that a divine force caused within Mary’s ovaries conception to begin. I will also look to my brothers and sisters in Abrahamic Faith in Islam to quote from an English translation of the Quaran “So will it be! Your Lord says, ‘It is easy for Me. And so will We make him a sign for humanity and a mercy from Us.’ It is a matter ˹already˺ decreed.” (Please note in Islam, Jesus is a revered prophet). (To brothers and sister in faith as Muslims my apologies for any inadvertent errors or mis-quoting)

I do so, because I can see no specific reason why a Being beyond our own level of existence could not do this. And that is that. There may be some impossible concepts out there, but it seems the more we seek knowledge the more we find That Isn’t So.


Since declaring my belief in the Immaculate Conception there would be an element of inconsistency in not having the same faith in the Resurrection. And naturally taking the same pathway.

For this is where a person takes that Leap of Faith.

Crucifixion was a hideous punishment, a slow death by several means. Imagine trying to haul yourself up by stretched upper limbs just to breath. I could try to stumble through suggestions of a body going into shock and being mistaken for death. I could suggest a type of coma. I could go off on enough tangents to have medical professionals reading this howling ‘It Doesn’t Work Like That!’….’And anyway those legs were broken, legs were always deliberately broken during crucifixion,’ 

Once more. Not going to. This is where that Leap of Faith comes in. Belief. Irrespective.

Tell me, dear reader. Do you believe in Something? Irrespective of what some might call Evidence to the Contrary. Do you believe in Something  you cannot see or hold? Something which at times is hard to hold on to, and yet you keep on coming back to there or here? Just Something.

I’m not going to ask you what that might be. The only time I will have a problem with you is if your belief is used as vehicle for Hate, Oppression, Discrimination, Intolerance, Irrefutable Lies and Distortions and rest of the toxins we try to use to dignify and justify our blatant flaws as we set ourselves down the road to conflict and harm.

Summary at the end of Part I.

So here I pause.

In the next part it is my intention to move into the Ethereal realms of Theology, Nature of Beliefs, Overviews of Theisms and Social Implications. The embracing of Belief and the Condemnation of misuses and abuses in attempts to justify evil.

Thanks for reading this far.

(PS: This looks OK as  a post, but I cannot be held responsible for what WP’s various gubbinz will do to the final product)

On The Subject of Meaning Well #Blog Battle : September -Particle


There came Third War of The Lanes, which was horrendously expensive due to the strategy of moving fleets through the Fifth Dimensional Point of Transit. So much so that there was hardly enough to buy weaponry to cause great loss of life and structural damage. Thus, fleets effectively glared at each, or tried to sneak in and land on a planet and capture it by default, although there were sometimes humiliating defeats when some regressed populations threw rocks at these valuable ships and there was not much to fight back with.

During the peace talks the very noble thought was reached that what was needed was a generally harmless and uncontroversial religion which everyone could worship in numerous ways. This was thought a splendid idea and The Unity of Temples of Respectful Worship was brough into being. This was the first decision made by the newly created Council of the Fifteen Worlds.

Rich people who were less rich than they had been even so managed to syphon off money to fund the project and by doing so lessened their taxes burdens.

Theologians were left to work out the details and many had another splendid idea of bringing physicists in on the business. Parties in both fields had speculated on certain overlaps. What could possibly go wrong?

No one of course thought to consult with Historians or Intersocietal Relations Academics of the relevant Realism Schools; they both being out of favour in the post war self- and mutual congratulatory and optimistic atmospheres prevalent.

The first act of progress was to consider the Nature of that Which Was To Be Worshipped. Under pressure from governments and sponsors and not seen to be footling around, a working title of They Who Are took root. The consensus was the sheer majesty these words evoked would do very nicely. After all who does not like a dignified, imposing enigma? Those not consulted sat in corners various and looked at each other over their favoured beverages and kept it all to themselves.

Meanwhile the next step was to pronounce the interaction between this Supreme Concept and the Physical Universe. The Physicists pointed out everything was made of particles, and this was a commonality which should be addressed. The Theologians agreed, after all what had been brought into Being must be part of ‘They Who Are’, this was a splendid idea of the fundamental relationship. Simple tracts for public consumption were already in production. Particleism was nascent.

A considered rather mature act was to accept that folk although agreeing on the principal would have different perceptions. Physicists showed Theologians their basic works on Particles and with great ease it was seen there were three basic constructs of Particles and naturally Particleism.

The supremely remote Particles Quantum. These were really, really small, they made up atoms and usually had names which ended in ‘on’, except for the stubbornly unique ‘quark’. But this didn’t matter because they were so complex, they had an air of mysticism and that was fine.

Next up came the solid and dependable Atom and Molecules which made up stuff. The Particles of Structure; this would suit folk who did not feel too at ease with all that much mysticism but liked a bit of mystery of the constructive sort.

Final in a dive into the Grand Gesture, came The Particles Macrocosmic. By now the Physicists were being rather heady at being consulted so much and this let the Theologians go wild. It was agreed that All which could be seen was therefore evidence of They Who Are. Thus, the worship of Macrocosmicon was seen to be the most popular and easier to grasp.

On hearing this announcement, the Historians and Intersocietal Relations Academics both of the relevant Realism Schools, collectively winced.

Initially all went well. The Quantum devotees deemed Medatovees of the Infinite  did develop squints as a result of meditating in the hope of Great Insight and perceive the smallest of particles. The next group up The Structureists invested in microscopes and studied chemical and atomic tables. Some proposed there  was the Ultimate Compound, in which every element could be forged together. In this would be true insight into They Who Are. These had tremendous fun experimenting. Governments allowed them uninhabited small planets and planetoids so that when disasters came these were small, containable and did not affect populated regions.

However, Macrocosmiconism was not long in causing problems.

The Grandeur School claimed you could do no better in studying They Who Are than to looked to wonderous scope of Galaxies. It had been agreed these qualified as particles on account of there being lots of them, and they formed groups. So that was that. There were thence some grumbles from theologians who claimed a person could get as much insight in mediating upon the wonder of simpler things such as small rocks. This proved a very popular idea amongst those basic societies, particularly the more aggressive ones who viewed their historical victories as divine approval. Less martially inclined neighbours and authorities in general tried to supress the more excessive worship and drafted in theologians and priests of The Grandeur School into trouble spots, the latter insisted upon certain degrees of weaponry, purely for defence. The word ‘Defence’ being quite subjective.

The result was for The Grandeurists to become rather conceited in their allotted duties and started to make moves to define just what constituted a worshipable particle. Those who had been pondering a variety of items which could constitute a Particle worthy of worship did not care for such a high handed approach. Unpleasantness arose. Over the years this caused several distressing incidents and events across all fifteen inhabited and sort of advanced worlds along with numerous disruptions on the moons, smaller difficult to live on planets, and other bodies. The majority of Humanity was not happy about this, it seemed Particleism  was making too much of itself, its higher echelons being given to self-importance far beyond being what were arguably not that important particle. Amongst sections of the population there was growing nascent air  of ‘I Didn’t Sign Up For This’ .


Historically, those appointed to ‘Councils’ and other bodies intent of formulating some sort of rule tended to have a regrettably significant number of ambitious or avaricious or simply malleable persons in their ranks which led to misery for large portions of populations who did not deserve it. This trend might have continued had it not been for a question which had been looming in the recesses of the more mature minds of Humanity:

‘Who else is out there? Where are they?  What are they up to?’

There had been no satisfactory answers. This weighed heavy on the astute.

The result was three generations of a type of middle grade administrators who were particularly astute at seeing when something was going wrong, in this case a Universal Religion. Not a state of affairs when there was the possibility of Someone or Something appearing suddenly out of Somewhere. Action was necessary. The fact that folk at lower levels were working on it might have been appreciated by Medatovees of the Infinite if they’d been allowed to know, but these administrators were wary of any Particleism involvement.

While many were making reputations and wealth out The Particle Issue, and others were hitting each other, the middle grade administrators reached out in all directions to the like-minded. In a spirit of mutual support, they rose quickly up various ladders and against the backdrop of strident disruption, squints, sudden explosions and large ornate excessive ceremonies they set their own plans into action.

Some of these being seemingly small in content such as a commentary in a journal read by more than a few on the Planet Myrathia a juncture for trade routes; the headline being ‘In The Canticle of The Particle, Wherein Lies the Significance of The Article?’. Because this was written in what might be verse there were those within The Grandeurists who took great offense at what they saw as frivolity and demanded the author be brought to book. At the time the authorities and most of the planet were preoccupied with the biannual mass transfer of goods through the junctions, and were somewhat testy through lack of sleep, worrying statistics and trying to meet the requirements of the other planets.

The local Grandeurists were told in polite and diplomatic terms to go and boil their ornate hats, preferably with their heads in them. A large number of the lesser classes who had been tiring of this theological crew not contributing to the general movement of goods were in sympathy with the authorities. And various vulgar versions of the title were turned into tavern songs.

The results were something of a turning point in the way religion was seen upon Myrathia.

Which was how those up and coming administrators had intended matters. On Myrathia Grandeurists were thus slightly discredited. This proved fertile ground for those within the administrators’ offices to go to work digging up embarrassing personal facts and elaborating some. A few years work was needed, but with the aid of newly confident Historians, enthusiastic Intersocietal Relations Academics (of the relevant Realism Schools), previously disgruntled physicists who had been left out, and theologians of various other religions who had been keeping quiet for reasons for personal safety, whereas They Who Are was still respected Particleism was being viewed as possibly ‘Hoo-hah’, The followers of the three basic branches were not ready for that. Locally as Myrathia was the only planet suitable for any sort of substantial or even modest habitation the rest of the system was soon stabilised

Somewhat interested and also relieved that this was working so well those on the Council took up variation to their own planets and stellar systems. The process was on average a half generation in the settling and some practices verged on the unpleasantly military; therefore, all went well; aside from the Pnumenoic system whose various quarrelsome communities had been the source of all the Lanes Wars and unsurprisingly clung to the Grandeurists telling all Macrocosmiconism was the true and only way.

The Council by then with great deftness in the use of massaging of truth, applications of half-truths and a judicious sprinkling of downright lies made to seem it was blaming itself for encouraging the hastiness into a new religion. By then the current Council members were able to blame the previous Council members which was tough on those still around. A pronouncement was made that The Council was to be disbanded and each system to seek its own way in the spirit of mutual understanding, but that there would be no more official religions anywhere, anyhow. There were protests and some heads may have been boiled but overall populations now aware that authority was much more local and since there were only trade ships travelling along the Fifth Dimensional Point of Transit, the local authorities were far better armed. In general, everyone assumed their systems were now independent again and didn’t have to comply with what other systems were doing or worshipping.

Unbeknown however fourteen of the systems were keeping in close covert contact with each other; just in case. The Pnumenoic system was left to its own devices, twice it tried to start a war with other systems but found all its forces could do was get there and be shot at by far superior weapons. Their Grandeurists could not help but feel they were becoming unpopular and mentioning Macrocosmiconism loudly only got them disliked.

One sort of benefit of the whole failed experiment came from those now discredited Macrocosmiconism beliefs. The Cosmologist side of the Physicists involved in the creating of the systems in their gazing at stars and star clusters had concluded; there was or to be technical had been something out there. The question now being.

Where? And how would come calling? That concentrated minds wonderfully and no one talked of wars between Humans anymore.

Religion. Another Viewpoint (With Some Assistance From Quantum Mechanics & Cosmology)


NB- This will also be very long, because the subject matter is not to be fitted into snappy one-liners. It will also be very short of quotes; the reason being quotes with the best will in the world (or especially, the worst will) are going to be selective to argue a case. I’m not going to fall back on that. This is simply my view, in my words…. ok, with a few links just to illustrate complexities in the science side. I leave it up to you to go seeking evidence one way or another.

This is another one I have started out (in my mind anyway)- several times. You may recall I earlier on this year felt obliged to voice a common challenge Christians face and I would venture to suggest folk of other faiths face at times:

One Christian’s Confession

Now my faith remains, yet so do those misgivings over some aspects taught to us. This post is not about those issues though. This is about the experience of being a Christian, in a Middle (Aside: Cosmically speaking there is  no ‘The Middle’ as we know it. Only your own perspective from your local focal point. The Universe does not subscribe to our limited perceptions -that’s me mixing religious and scientific by the way). The Middle I wish to discuss is the one which sees; on one side an abrupt generalised dismissal of all theistic belief and believers and on the other side those who do evil and sheer opportunistic folly under the guise of theistic belief. In this case, of course, I repeat I use the Christian perspective, it would be crass to impose upon the beliefs of the moderates and liberals of other religions.

There is a particular reason why I gave a nod to ‘Quantum Mechanics’ and that relates to a concept known as The Waves -Particle Duality, in short having two properties at once. Have fun reading this:

This has its parallels with the majority of Christians. The majority accept the status of The vastness of everything through the scientific lens while adhering to their faith. That actually takes some doing. As one Jesuit priest astronomer said ‘Every day I study the stars I am challenged’. After all we have a Bible to go on while on the other hand we have the wealth of knowledge which goes from the wonderous massive magnificence revealed by Cosmology down to the mind-stretching infinitely small domain of Quantum. And everything in between. One Being brought all that into existence and can also claim they know everyone one of us. How is that supposed to work?….Uh????

That’s where Faith, be it leaping or just standing still, comes in. Now the majority of us have A Faith. This comes in many forms. I ask you to pause and reflect on that. Think on what you hold true to be in a view, a relationship, something which is always there in your background. An aspect which appears to be steadfast irrespective of the rest of the world around you. Think deep on that. That’s a Faith. Faith transcending what seems to be the case of the world around you. It exists despite the apparent practicalities you have come to learned. It defies the logic you have been told is so. And sometimes part of its nature might be founding wanting. You’ll find a lot of that in Quantum. There, I am back with the Quantum-thing again. Research still continues there into the contradictions and the apparently evasive. Thus any Christian honest with themselves and the relationship with their Faith has met doubts, unsatisfactory conclusions, mysteries which remain just out of reach. Those do not stop us believing. The question is not finding ‘An Excuse’ or ‘A Platitude’ to answer the difficult issues. It’s a question of going In Deep, to use Faith as a foundation to work from. If you consider Science you will find in its history that answers or solutions were and still are being constantly overturned because they do not fit the model. Let’s look at that. From A Middle. Or using cosmological metaphors to be more analogous. From Planet Me

The Bible – An average moderate Christian gets a bit queasy about parts of The Old Testament, particularly the opening books. These seem to support incest, genocide, suppression of women, the punishment of same-sex relationships, heroes and figureheads having multiple sexual relationships and that’s before we get to ‘A Jealous God’ who is likely to wipe you out with a snap of the fingers because of some minor misdemeanour. Such passages are leapt upon by intolerant Fundamentalists who gleefully announce their excesses of Hate, Intimidation and Violence are but carrying out the Word of God, while their atheistic opponents have the easy task to use the same as evidence that these beliefs are flawed. And the Moderates get lambasted by the Fundamentalists as not believers and going to Hell (Hoorah!) while Atheistic folk look aghast and say to any moderate ‘But how can you belief that?’

OK. If we look at the Four Gospels used in most branches of Christianity we have at the centre Jesus. Basically the Son of God sent into our world to take on Human form and ‘suffer death’ to cleanse us of all our sins, Past, Present and Future. The Four Gospels reflect four different reporters of the story. Nothing wrong with that, have you ever encountered an event in which ALL of the reports are exactly the same. Really? No you haven’t. Anyway here’s another old post of mine concerning that subject:

A Case for The Christian Easter Actually Happening

The New Testament Gospels have their own issues. Though nothing as useful to the Fundamentalists as they can take out of context from The Old Testament. However the two parts are linked and whereas there are some branches who will claim you don’t need the Old Testament because Jesus’s coming into the world did away with those books, unless you are looking to play a lazy Anti-Semitism card, that don’t work.

But here is the aspect which bears repeating over and over and over about the Old Testament. Firstly it is a collection of written accounts based on oral accounts, or in some cases religious interpretated historical events OR codes of practice based on the social circumstances of the time. Secondly the accounts are translation of one of several versions of local languages and dialects, using poetical imagery, which have been translated into Greek and then into Latin and then into English (at least once each)…so you can imagine that what was said, why and when, would likely be not perfectly translated and represented in today’s English (whatever version). In short you just don’t go looking for a bit underline it or dog ear your Bible and say ‘Ah-ha! That’s why I can be terrible to other people!’ Theologically speaking we’re also a flawed, cussed and arrogant lot, thinking we know best, which is why God has to keep telling us we’re wrong. Not that even Jesus’s supreme sacrifice on the Cross seems to have sluiced out our flaws. Thus quoting ‘bits’ to suit your intolerances- that is a load man, you are just bigoted- period! (Apologies to the late Michael Herr for plagiarism of ‘Despatches’- again) 

Change of tack again. Just to personally slip back to The Science Area, Quantum and Cosmological (Very, very, very small and very, very, very big). There I was with three puzzling issues trying to comprehend Christianity, AND Quantum AND Cosmological, when gradually they all slide into place. All three cannot be taken at what seems to be a swift-throw away face vale, all need some study, pondering, and ‘gosh are they not hard to get around?’ There appear to be contradictions, there appear to be unfathomable, no one appears to agree on one set of rules, laws or perceptions, and so on. Thus it came to me, ‘this is how it is’. Nothing is straightforward, nothing can be encapsulated in a simple few words. All needs study and reflection. All is the same. For me the melding of the perspectives of Science and Religion became a most liberating time. Giving room to deal with the challenges, like trying to comprehend 150 billion galaxies (not stars) in the observable universe or getting your head around the Quantum concept that the nature of a particle being affected by it being observed OR your Belief and Faith being tested. No need to worry about The Purpose of Life. It just is.

One aspect of the Theistic and Atheistic conflict which strikes me as having an Irony the size of one of those Galaxies, is the way some arguments on both sides get hung up on the same piece of English estimate of what was originally said. Like somebody says the World was created in Seven Days because it says so in the English, and then somebody mocks the religion because of what a fundamentalist said, as if we all believed that. The Irony being that both sides are buying into the same statement. It’s like the fundamentalist has convinced the atheist, this is something to argue about. As if the description of the Time Scale matters. Or that everyone believes it or should believe it has only one direction and value, which by the way it doesn’t.

Navigating back to the Quantum and Cosmological aspects of this post, I would suggest brief visits to sensible academic sites, where you will encounter a variety of views, suggestions and ideas (avoid the calculations that’s like reading a theological treatise on The Holy Trinity concept- your mind will spin). There is a great deal out there based on Laws, however there are always differing the interpretations and the suggestions that those laws might not have actually always been quite that way. The whole is an ongoing process. Everything is ongoing. We are children learning, or being wilfully difficult.

From my own perspective I reason that if this is the case, and since God set the whole in motion, it follows a simple reasoning, that resorting to Confirmation Bias is not the satisfactory way to seek deeper into one’s faith and beliefs. Working on the basis that God is perfect we cannot be perfect because we are not God, therefore being flawed we have to work through a great deal of difficult and challenging questions. Just like Cosmologists or Quantum Physicists are involved with. There we are again; the two concepts are intertwined. Including those times when a person can get frustrated or discouraged by the immensity of the task. To emphasise once more, Nothing Can Be Neatly Fitted* Into How You Want It no matter how good or bad you wish to portray it. The closest you will get to that is with a Human Flawed Perception of ‘Things’

And there is that troublesome word again ‘Human’.

Religion– Used by more than a few as an excuse for war, or other acts of violence, or just intolerance. And wilful ignorance of or objection to progress, even when benefitting from that progress. Also, a handy tool for the hypocrite and the opportunist. Of course, I could put up a pretty good case against any form of secular governance on the same basis. There again let’s be neat about it and condemn Politics and Religions all in one go. Isn’t that *neat-ly fitted? What we need is good honest scientific progress?

Progress– We have much to be grateful for in the research into atomic and sub-atomic particles. Look how much Quantum has revealed:

Applications of quantum mechanics – Wikipedia

Mind you that research into the atom and its constituents did lead to the splitting of the atom and observing the release of energy….and sorry folks but…. Nuclear Weapons. That is the trouble make an advance and the next thing you know some Human grouping talks about weaponising it. Weaponry doesn’t spontaneously evolve, Humans develop it. You find a Human idea and you are going find a benefit and a mis-use, also several loud and long arguments about how to approach and utilise that idea. Humans, that’s the issue folks. Not just Religion then. Might as well throw Economics into the mix.

I could go on and on with more analogies, examples, arguments, discussion and so forth. Why, gee,  I haven’t even got around to the question of The Historical Approach, nor the sometimes amusing, sometimes hysterical lengths both sides of the divide will go to support their point. Both using out of context statements, hurtful language and demonstrating Intolerance and quite a bit of Ignorance in pursuit of that good old Confirmation Bias. Don’t try and drag me or several millions others into either side of your squabble. We’re waiting to sort it out with God, as far as we are concerned, that is where The Last Word is. And there are those for the record who in addition to being professional scientists are theists too. It’s all a question of  perspective

Basically limited thinking in a Universe about 14 billions years old and possibly 90+ billions light years…..errr…big? While at the other end of the scale particles which don’t do as we might think they should. Basically, arrogance in trying to claim we know the mind of the Being that brought the Whole into existence….Apparently only in one language, to a selected few, of one race or creed….Yeah like that’s going to resonate through the Universe, which God created.

Try this:





You can even add on a few positives if you want. How and why you believe doesn’t matter to me as long as you are trying to stick with those….Not easy. WE can agree of that. Yes?

Now it would not be such a post without a part set aside for some impassioned commentary. So, as parting words, for those who do not visit my site, will most likely not read this. For everyone else this is what I have to say to them in that unlikely event they arrive and stridently tell me I am wrong.

Do not tell me that it is the Will of God and that Jesus Christ died on the Cross so that you could persecute others because they don’t fit your ideas of gender, are the wrong colour, because they were forced into medical choices for situations you did nothing to help with, because they seek out Our Lord God along different paths. Don’t you dare. I renounce you as Christians.

And …Over to the other side. Do not tell me that to follow my Faith is somehow dangerous to society, and I am to be shunned for my beliefs, that I am wrong, because quite frankly you know nothing about me and all you are doing is profiling, just like any other narrow minded hypocrite. The other side of the coin. I renounce you too. And don’t try and tell me it is all a delusion because you cannot take me to the place in the Universe and categorically say ‘Look this is where God should be, and there is nothing,’. You may believe it, but you cannot tell me I am wrong for believing otherwise. And sorry some guys but some schools of Logic haven’t got a place in this debate. This is a Science and Faith zone. Your Latin quotes won’t cut it here.

OK, for the rest of you guys who read my posts. Read and questions and poke holes if you find them. I know you all and respect your concerns and questions.

Also I confess to a smidge of mischief, mixing Religion, Quantum Physics and Cosmology into one post. But, I’m one of those (not the first) who just could not resist it. It had to be done. They cannot be avoided.

And Another Thing Concerning Odd Motivations

This is subsequent to the post

From Unexpected Places (Something Concerning Odd Motivations)

Concerning the throw away ending “And I do believe I have inadvertently created a template for a book cover.”, this comment related to the image I had created for the post:

Inspiration and Themes

Occasionally one of the Muses nudges me off to Canva to see what can be created from its free images and various tools. Of late when manoeuvring multiple images, I decided to experiment with its ‘Transparency’ facility (top right of the horizontal menu bar, look out for the square made up of squares, fading left to right). This allows you to click onto an image placed on top of another, then drawing the cursor from right to left reducing the depth of the image from 100%, until you have a suitable transparent effect. This allows you create a montage, as you will see above. With some careful twiddling (excuse the technological language) you can click from image to image nuancing the depths of each. Because Canva tends to give you geometric borders to each image using Transparency allows you to diminish or accentuate the borders as you see fit. And you can spend a quite fun-filled creative interlude exploring possibilities.

So, to elaborate on the theme of the previous post I called in Canva. Because the tale in question takes elements of SF with ten dimensions involved and one of those ‘palace’ plots beloved of High Fantasy, there are bound to twists and oddities in all direction, plus some mischief. I therefore wanted a montage, chaotic yet with some geometry involved (Quantum influence). The first image was paradoxically a fantasy castle but overlaid with a galactic scene to set the theme of drifting through realities. After this some pastoral, a smidge of steampunk, over on the top left the faint outline of a pixie/fairy and diagonally opposite another piece of starscape, for contrast. Then eyesEyes are always good to add ‘that air’. Finally in the bottom left corner the faint hint of mischief. I have to admit I was pleased.  There may be a little bit of tinkering, only a smidge though.

The great benefit being the influence images, physical, musical or mental have on my writing. It would not be the first time the book cover influenced my final draft. On this occasion the cover nearly preceded the plot, and now firmly set in my mind, the cover draws me on. For The Cover must have a book worthy of the image. Maybe not the most secure or highly recommended of approaches to drafting a novel, and yet one which is proving worthwhile for dragging me out of a bit of a ditch.  

Inspiration. You just have to love the unpredictability of Inspiration.  

From Unexpected Places (Something Concerning Odd Motivations)

Inspiration and Themes

It’s another ‘You know how it goes’ . You’ve finished your latest work, truly finished. The end was reached the several re-writes, editings, and other associated efforts have been navigated. (Including the occasional episode when the book cover was being put in place, the artist adds a little something and you thought ‘Wow, I have to fit that into the narrative!! ‘ And under the spell of the image you unravel some little part……). All this attended to by one means or another your work is then made available to the public and belongs unto the Ages.

Thus, should follow an interlude of rest and repose. Working at a factory pace does not suit Creativity or Perspective. A writer should not find, one morning their writing has become a chore they feel they must do. Writing should either come from the joy or the restlessness to see ideas taking shape as words. A ‘Because’ not a ‘Have To’.

So time to look at a Fantasy idea. There might be promise there. I would attend. I started.

And stopped. Basically, although there were a couple of amusing bits, it was not working; the word ‘Re-hash’ kept cropping up whenever I read the day’s output. Ah well, something to be left for another day….

Time to revisit the Quantum Space Opera project. On to the opening chapter. There was that word ‘Re-hash’ again. Seems I had invested so much time and effort into my previous project my creativity was still running on the loop. BlogBattle challenges were welcome, making me move elsewhere, but left to my own devices I was running in that loop. The one hope I had was another word… ‘Screwball’ as in 1930s and 1940s Comedy Films, in short when stuck, look for something outside of Serious. There was inspiration here because when scrolling through the Audio Book selection of SF, and seeing the endless lists of Genocidal Aliens, Ancient Long Forgotten Evils, Another Colonial Marines / WH40K Space Marines series one phrase kept popping into my creative mind when relating to the evil protagonists…. ‘Their heads fell off’; it broke the monotony. Thinking there might be a start of a way out, I pondered on this phrase. Now obviously such a gem had to be used sparingly, or if the pace was very fast with mocking frequency. The plot still eluded me though. Even the great Robert Sheckley would not build an entire book around heads falling off, maybe a chapter or paragraph here or there but he was a master of his art / craft. No, the whole structure needed more thought. Still, it was a start.

Buoyed by this slender hope, the musing phase started, as to what would prompt such a statement and where would the exclamation or discovery fit it. Musing on such an aspect does not require a serious frame of mind; irreverently speculative would be a better turn of phrase. Such a state is of course very volatile and unpredictable. In consequence it was with some delight, although not surprise, that bursting into the musing came a small scenario drenched with very inappropriate and excessively farcical humour based on a misunderstanding in verbal translation. There were inane sniggers, for it is a fact of Male Human Nature that no matter their age, life experience, social standing or professional achievements no man ever rids himself of that adolescent streak. However, this ‘situation’ arose, the attendant, events leading up to, social interactions, ramifications, motivations etc were causing the dust of musing to coalesce. The original slender thread of the plot began to take on shape, birthed by an urge to place both comic ideas into some context. They would only be additions of course to a deeper and wider narrative, but in doing so gave some basis and inspiration for getting there. ‘The plot became the thing, wherein the comedy I could bring’ (sorry about that Mr. Shakespeare- no apologies to you Hamlet, to me you always were a royal pain)

Now the words and the possibilities are forming with some ease. Being of the ‘Pantser’ school I have not much of an idea where this particular project is going to go. But if I did, where would the fun in that be?? No, I’m just going enjoy the whole uncertainty happy in the security of the knowledge someone, somewhere, will be involved in a humorously unfortunate incident and some group with suffer from sudden detachment of heads.

Oh, in case anyone was wondering. The Quantum aspect? In comparison with starting a plot for a book, simply no trouble at all to fit in.

Here’s to Inspiration, no matter where or how the dear muse should turn up.

And I do believe I have inadvertently created a template for a book cover.

Are Vast Distances Circular?


An interlude of achievement. Not just signals. Contact and Communication had been achieved.

There was a great deal of excitement. Much chatter between the explorers on the team, the programmers at base and the theoreticians, elsewhere. Below the mutual congratulations the subtle game as to who could claim the bulk of the credit for the first successful translation of signals into images.

Meanwhile Captain Mazehof seconded from Military Psychological Observation was left to stare at a face and read runes. All by himself. No one had thought to have a team. A mix of folk, various working knowledges of physical signals across Life’s myriad options. There were other officers; communications, logistics and of course security all dropped in with little advanced training on the project. They were military, they could adapt. Right?

Not any option. If someone wanted him to stare at a face, he would stare at a face. An interlude. A face in a picture. He was supposed to work out deep secrets from one snapshot, estimate an entire civilisation and race. He didn’t know if he was supposed to know, but truth be known amongst all the exultation, congratulations and edging for credit no one was exactly sure just where or when the signals which formed the image had originated.

Mazehof had been musing upon the face for three days, studying each feature in detail, returning to gain further insight. When the image had first appeared upon the scan the team had been surprised, some relieved to see similar to human features, although it had to be admitted in those high cheekbones, wide eyes, the slight protrusion of the nasal and jaw areas and ears with a peak there was  a distinct difference. Opinions on comparisons differed; feline, canine, or maybe the more delicate of the ruminants. His mind was open on the matter; his concern being, was this a message directed to Humanity or a chance image which the scan had captured?  No one was chasing him for results, which was a relief. Maybe they had forgotten him, as they pondered on the mathematics and the readings.

You had to think of this image as a person, and what was the mundane in their lives if you were going to get anywhere in this vague mission. The turn of the lips to the right. Was that friendly or a warning? Dogs had managed to work out a human smile was not the barring of teeth challenge, there again they had that incredible sense of smell to let them know humans simply had quirky muzzles. When he thought about it on that level he was at a distinct disadvantage, for staring at this enigma had been causing his mind to wander. Starting off, sure you could just stare intently. However because of the nascent size of the task, trying to encompass time and space within the context of another being? Or perhaps the answer was a distressing one, being beyond comprehension, so you just drifted off.

He sat back, startled. The face had moved, one blink of an eyelid; causing Mazehof to catch his breath. The head inclined to the left, giving him the impression he was being examined. He ordered himself to stare back, while options of physical reaction crowded through him. For who was to say what might be seen as hostile?

The concern was clouded by subsequent thoughts returning to the question of Time and Distance. All current knowledge indicated the events he was witnessing were not taking place; they were of the Past.

Nonetheless, when one arm moved slowly upwards, and the hand opened into a palm displayed, followed by the mouth arcing into a smile, he could not help to respond in like manner. Never mind the unavoidable and overwhelming possibility the being was now dust.

‘What a relief. I found you,’ the words were clear, the accent lyrical, heavy with an emphasis.

‘Me?’ Mazehof failed to contain the squeak as all musings of the variabilities on Time and Distance were distilled into the notion of being sought out. One grain of sand on a beach?

There was a distinct grin there, never mind what the twist of the mouth conveyed, the eyes sparkled in humour.

‘I should have focused my accuracy of explanation,’ there was a  strange sound Mazehof took to be a clearing of a throat ‘To be precise, I have enacted the correct location relevant to your society,’

Mazehof felt a quirk of disappointment at being downgraded but was equally swift to put such a vanity to one side and be sober.

‘For what purpose?’

‘To place you in perspective. Have you any direct experience of dealing with the dimensions encountered in Quantum Physics?’

‘No,’ Mazehof said but felt he needed to add something ‘I have a rudimentary knowledge of Space Time,’

‘This will be of assistance,’

‘Before we proceed. Might I ask you, your name and how you are reaching out across vast tracts of Space Time as if we were in the same room?’

‘Firstly. Know me as Vestnesis. For the other part, there are dimensions beyond the perceivable four,’

‘I have heard of theories. Are there facts now?’

‘Indeed. I am fortunate not to be involved in the mathematics or the mechanics, simply a herald,’

Not a time to interrupt Mazehof reckoned. And try not to think about the implications in the increase in the blinking of the eyes, concentrate on information.

‘Beyond Space Time, after much effort a way was found into the Fifth Dimension. This acted as a conduit into other dimensions, a gateway and viewing lens. Utilisations led to the Sixth Dimension, which afforded a mapping of the parts of Creation previously hidden. By adapting to these two advances, navigation of the vast distances between stars was made possible along with prompt communication. Matters were allowed to stay there while physical exploration and settlement of near solar systems was conducted. But progress ever seeks many ways. Thus once a full working knowledge of the Fifth and Sixth was achieved amidst myriads of possible worlds, the Seventh Dimension was uncovered, a location where a long suggested aspect of Time was found. The revelation being Time was indeed not flowing as a river, but was a sea with its own tides to be navigated and journeyed along,’ Mazehof witnessed a long exhalation as if this was all a great effort, then the intake for another ‘The Eighth  Dimension’s own nature could be used as the craft to travel,’ Vestnesis paused searching for Mazehof’s comprehension, which came quickly, the feeling he had been waiting for someone to tell him this. And where had that come from?

‘Therefore,’ he said slowly choosing his words ‘It does not matter where we both are, or when we are?’

The hand which Mazehof now noticed had longer fingers than normal, extended in a sign of acknowledgment. Briefly he wondered on the factors which had caused the physical diversions of Vestnesis’ people. He held back from asking though, not the right circumstances.

‘The task of explaining to you I am located in your future is easier. Yes?’

‘I suppose so,’ came the reply, his own suppositions made form were rushing into his head ‘You were grateful of locating me? Why was this necessary?’

‘You will appreciate a sea is not something easy to navigate without landmarks at some stage,’

‘I am one?’ that was overwhelming, a slight shake of the head eased his heartbeat.

‘No, only your location. Now we know exactly where to send the rations of information to enable the progress to ensure our societal status. Inject readings into devices, leave salient suggestions in academic environments,’

‘Wait please. This sounds circular. You are human from my future, engaging in your past to ensure your present?’

‘You are very swift on the uptake Mazehof,’

‘Thank you,’ what else do you say? ‘I have to ask. I have been staring at you for three days. Did you have the same experience?’

The pinched expression was universal in the human lexicon. Consideration of the answer.

‘I am not truly versed in the matters, but I think this is something to do with the interfacing of the varying temporal tides,’

Mazehof was finding the conversational exchanges growing easier, something of the circumstance settling within him.

‘I appreciate there is a factor of stealth involved here. Balancing Cause and Effect is always difficult. However I will have to report something to my superiors. You understand this?

In response there came a soft wheezing, which judging by the sparkle in the eyes had to be an empathetic laugh.

‘I too sit in a similar construct. My commanders will be anxious to have something positive to pass onto the Governance at this innovative time,’ definite irony slipped in ‘There could even be an advancement for this humble servant,’

‘Innovative time?’

‘Oh yes. For Ten Generations the Human Confederation has been satisfied with a centralised decision making process of a council. Once there was a certainty of no interlocking with alien civilisations and the extension into the Seventh and Eighth dimensions made it was felt there should be other progressions. Thus to ensure Humanity had room to flourish it was felt a certain allowance should be made to points of view from varying sectors of civilisation and if these were found acceptable to let them endeavour with government. Should these proponents be found wanting the populations could replace them. It is all very exciting,’  Vestnesis paused again ‘I witness doubt on your face Mazehof,’

‘Yes,’ he drawled ‘We have this system. I will give you a message from the past. There will be arguing. There will be disappointments with those you select because they cannot be all to everyone. Do not trust anyone who says they have simple solutions to problems. Avoid anyone who tries to blame one part of your societies for all the problems. Expect planets or collections of planets to want to go their own way. Above all seek out as much history as you can and learn from that. Nothing is straightforward,’

Vestnesis seemed to sit back, eyes wide.

‘You speak with some insight Mazehof. Have you taken part in governing?’

‘No, but I, as have many, have wished some of those who have governed had never been given the option,’ Mazehof felt a certain confidence and urgency to advise those descendants’ that naivety and excitement were not the right qualities to have at this juncture. ‘Be wary Vestnesis. A great responsibility will rest on all. I know you are only one in a vast population I cannot begin to imagine, however this must start somewhere. Spread this, Choose With Care,’

‘You speak cautiously Mazehof. Neither of us should spread information too quickly,’

‘We should probably not speak anymore Vestnesis, other folk less sanguine might overhear us,’

‘Wise words from the Past,’

The screen blurred and blanked.

Disappointment with resolve resulted.

Mazehof’s report was prompt and quite bland in comparison to the information given to him. He spoke vaguely of Human sort of beings. He suggested the images came from the distant past. He speculated there would be others out there and if Humanity managed to travel into the stellar depths there might be the remains of ancient civilisations to support this. He grew adept at giving vague answers which many thought was a sign of great insight gained in his short tenure. Thus he left the military and lectured in social sciences  at a small college. Some of his work on the Nature of Speculation  was considered influential in many fields.

Vestnesis was buoyant at his success in finding a location and in turn his superiors promoted him. From there he bided his time, musing on Mazehof’s words.

He took up a career in politics, when others asked him where  the inspiration for his successful creed had originated from, he said ‘The Collected Wisdom and Mistakes of Our Histories’. His insight became a byword.


This is an offering for the February  #BlogBattle, (Keyword :Interface) . Always a place for interesting short stories.